2009年11月11日 星期三






4 則留言:

ricm 提到...

In the book "Superfreakonomics", Levitt and Dubner mention people should eat less red meat and dairy products because cows produce much greenhouse gas--methane.

So does this reason support the slogan "more veg. less meat"?

LRI Admin 提到...

Cows fart and that produces methane because they are herbivores (plant eating). We human can switch from consuming meat to vegetable (plant also). But don't we fart too like the cows?

ricm 提到...

That's why Levitt and Dubner doesn't say we human should eat more vegetable.


I hope to make myself clear that I don't oppose to the needs of environmental protection. It is very clear in economics that we have the problem of externalities, which probably lead to the over-consumption of those public environmental resources.

What I want to point out here is that we need more serious methodology in protecting our environment. Cows may be good or bad to the environment, but the logic of the director is clearly wrong. Such trend in promoting environmental protection could do more harm than good.