2007年8月16日 星期四



7、The Hong Kong government has imposed a strict and severe no-smoking law, prohibiting smoking in most public areas. Milton Friedman said that each and every individual should have the freedom to harm himself, including committing suicide; however, in doing so he may inflict damage on others and create a social cost problem. One who smokes cigarettes enjoys smoking, but may inflict damage on the health of others nearby.

(a) How would you assess the social gains and costs of our new no-smoking law? Can anyone be certain that the social gains are greater than the social costs?

(b) What is the relevance of the Coase Theorem here? In what sense is this theorem not operative in the no-smoking case?

(c) Emissions from automobile engines are said to inflict far more damage on health than smoke from cigarettes. Why does the Hong Kong government not impose a no-driving rule?

